Mehran Shahkar is an eighth-degree black belt (hachidan) and certified master instructor (kyoshi) of Uechi-ryu Karate-do with the Okinawa Karate Association, the preeminent standards board on Okinawa, Japan. He has been practicing Uechi-ryu for more than 45 years, with more than 30 years experience in teaching various martial arts and qi gong.
Mehran has been a member of the Okinawa Karate Association (Okikukai) since 1989. His instructor, Master Ahti Kaend, died in 2001. Mehran has continued his training under Master Tsutomu Nakahodo of Okikukai. Mehran was president of the regional organization Okikukai West from 2008 to 2012.
He is also a certified Group Fitness Trainer with Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA,) A fitness trainer, specialist in Senior Fitness, Exercise Therapy, Youth Fitness trainer and certified as Master Trainer with the International Sports Science Association (ISSA,)